Pace, Progress and Patience
These three words have been resonating with me lately. In my previous corporate life the pace was fast, progress measurable through statistical analysis and my patience
Women and Black History Month
In doing my research for the Beyond Sixty Project I have run across numerous reminders of the many African-American women who have made a difference in our nation’s history.&
Leaving Utah
Nothing Left Unsaid, the documentary about Gloria Vanderbilt and her son Anderson Cooper. That was the 10th and final film I saw last night as a part of the Sundance Film Fes
Last night I experienced Kim Snyder’s documentary, Newtown. I use the word experienced over watched because of how it made me feel. Kim was in the audience along with s
Being Here
For as long as Sundance has been around I wanted to come and experience it. Each year I would contemplate it but the timing was never quite right. This year the timing could
Next Stop: Sundance
We are finally dug out from the massive and beautiful snow storm of 2016. If the airport has caught up with cancelled flights and the universe is once again aligned, I will be he
Leaving corporate America for a second act career in filmmaking